Category Archives: Spirituality

Moment of Serenity

This one was promised to Melana…

 “There is something else, some other way of Knowing, some deeper part of our Being, that knows we are not in Grief, that knows we are in Eternity; that sings out of that — that’s the Mystery that cannot be said…”

~Coleman Barks

Part 1 – The Homo sapiens “How to Hover on Earth” Guide ™

How’s that for a title? 

Perhaps I might write a book with a title such as that one day — I would make it a very quirky book about how I, a celestial seed, was thrust to Planet Earth on the back of a flaming comet and birthed from the cradle of an oyster shell…

A shining pearl.

Just kidding.

If, for some reason, you are like me and like to indulge yourself with some Inspirational affirmations, words and books from time to time, you will understand the context of this post.  I read a very interesting book a month or so ago entitled “The Authentic Leader” (Irvine and Reger).  When I picked it up I was almost reminded of a Dale Carnegie-esque business pep talk rally, until the authors courageously went beyond the corporate “spiritual” realm and touched on aspects of what it means to be an Authentic individual; living on Earth and delivering your talents to humanity to raise our Communal and Spiritual vibrations.  

Recently, I’ve discovered that Authenticity is something that doesn’t just fall into your lap one day while you are plunking away on a keyboard, hoping, in your middle-aged mind, how you might surrealistically plop into a Corvette and “Sting-ray” your way down Route 66 with a silk scarf streaming from your neck.  No, I’m talking about that little, unique, and oddly important Voice that has consistently reminded you that you are a Soul within a human body.  This Voice has been whispering to you your entire life.

Do you Remember?

-Taking long walks and staring longingly up at the stars in search of “something” that you thought you might have misplaced, such as a constellation or loved one?

-Searching for hours to find a four leaf clover, because you just had to find one and press it into a notebook for “later”?

-Dreaming about distant places and wondering about Ancient history?

-Writing poetry into a favourite notebook, hoping to lose it and rediscover it one day to remind yourself of that…?

-Creating, playing, painting and expressing yourself, without criticism or worry of marketability? 

I remember.

I still have the pressed plants tucked into the deep spines of dusty old books, the unusual pieces of gnarled driftwood that reminded me of the lakeshore that fine July day in the 80’s, the old pieces of poetry that I wrote and illustrated when I was in gradeschool.

These are my Voice Reminders.  What are your Voice Reminders?  What was your Voice trying to remind you of when you became an adult and wrapped yourself in layers of silk and papery corn husks?  What was your Voice trying to remind you of when you turned your back to poetry, paint brushes and the soft feel of topsoil between your toes?


Ah yes.  Those elusive imaginings that seemed to evade us in the practicality of mortgages, family, soccer matches, politics, food shortages, rising gas prices and climate change.  It seems as though our Voices realise that Dreams, when lived and realised by the Soul, offer not only the Individual hope, but the entire Community in which you live, as it Inspires and elevates others to Listen, Receive, Create and Give. 

Now that you realise this, what are you going to do about it?  It seems like such a daunting task to just fling off layers of vulnerability and bare that Authentic soul to a critical world full of equally bruised Egos, doesn’t it?  However, when I think of the critics, I remind myself of this — I was not placed on this Earth to live someone else’s idea of their dream, or succumb to their failed and damaged sense of Self — I am here to offer my gifts and feed my Spirit and other Spirits in the process.  Defiant?  Not really, just adamant about ensuring that I Express myself.

Too, when you are contemplating that Voice, don’t forget about your unique Expression of Authenticity and your Soul’s requirement for Listening and Timing.  When you have a feeling about a Dream (you know the one), it is often enough to just begin placing Intention into the ether.  You’ll be amazed by the Attraction that will be magnetised to you when you remain Positive about your Dream (providing that it is somewhat realistic is the caveat here) and take the babysteps required to attain that Dream:

-Spend time thinking of your talents, abilities and those nagging voices that you have ignored.  Pay attention to the things that you often preclude with the words, “Someday I will…,” or “One day I am going to….,”

-Surround yourself with people who are supportive and “on the same wavelength” and remain positive about your Dream.

-Connect to the Spirit around you to remind yourself of the Abundance of the Universe and link to this regularly (ie. take those walks, write, sing, visit friends and family).

-Take positive steps to realise your dream (ie. buy that fancy notebook or software program to begin writing that novel) and schedule time to realise your dream (ie.  I will write for 2 hrs every Tuesday and Thursday).

-Reward yourself often and don’t be disappointed with the ebb and flow of whatever Creative or Opportunity cycle crops up.  Know that Yin and Yang cycles exist.  Non-action (non-creative) cycles are just as important as Action Cycles…so give yourself a chance, be forgiving and “go with the flow”.

-Give, volunteer and donate often, as this act of “tithing” ensures that you will never want, because you accept the cause and effect, yin-yang notion of the Universe.

My dreams?

I have many.  I will write that book, paint that inspiring image, travel to those distant shores and offer my vocation up in Thanks (with Gratitude) for all of the Abundance that has been trickling my way.  This is my way and I am taking the steps required to realise these Dreams.

We might be a slight nuisance, as a species here on a planet Earth, but I do think we have the capability of being Angels on Earth.  I also think that we can Hover here, if only a short while, in a Meaningful, Authentic way.

Love and Peace.



Copyright 2008.  Poseidon’s Muse.  Ramblings from the Mermaid Tavern.