The Bloke from Sydney…

Ok.  David challenged me to finish his quirky little limerick…and here is the finished piece [with complete “irreverence” ;)]:


There once was a young bloke from Sydney

Who drank till he ruined a kidney.

So he traded his suds

For some Mexican “buds”,

And now he smokes like a chimney!


[I liked the above version better than my first version…]:

There once was a young bloke from Sydney

Who drank till he ruined a kidney.

So when he peed red

He threw back his head,

And started to scream like a Banshee.

Woot!  Too much fun at the Tavern today…Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to attend to my Serpent piece!



4 responses to “The Bloke from Sydney…

  1. Nice work all round. The hard part is that there aren’t many words that rhyme with Sydney, for the last line.

    But you, my friend, have done admirably!

    Do keep in touch …..

    Hi David! Thanks for that…Yes…there is a dire shortage of words that rhyme with Sydney…
    Anyway…Lots of fun….I will stay in touch!

  2. first one is much better. very clever.

    Hi Jak! Thanks for stopping by…Seems like our Aussie boys like their liquor! Drop by anytime…

  3. I enjoyed both very much. . but thought the first rolled a bit easier off the tongue.
    Dont know if you mind criticism, so I hope mine doesnt offend *eek!*

    Hi Red. Thanks! I would agree with you…I added the second version for shits and giggles mostly! By the way…you are a Sweetheart and your comment did not even remotely sound like a criticism…But, having said that, I am open to criticism (constructive especially…), because it helps us to learn and grow! xoxo

  4. Of course I liked the first one very much. Gee, I wonder why???

    Sweet Ganja Baby…I can hear the Grateful Dead playing in the background now….xoxo

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