I’m a Patriot


Another Canada Day has arrived once again in our Grand Country and on this special day, I like to take a little time to blog about a few of my favourite Canadian ‘things’ (you can revisit last year’s tribute here):

-Blue Rodeo = like the Tragically Hip and Sam Roberts, this group of Canadian guys never fail to Rock out with a rainbow of Transcendent Canadian rifts.  [oh, and I think this is just one of “our songs” – nevermind the banner; it gets a tad bit annoying, but the words shine through the imagery of the piece].  Sigh. 

“5 Days in May” ~ Blue Rodeo

-The Group of Seven = Did a quick piece on this group a while back.  If paint were technicolour icing, could you say “yum!” as you dipped a finger into those lovely, colourful swirls?

-Saskatoon Berries = I’m not sure if these little purple buds of goodness grow south of the border, but they are tasty and excellent when added to just about anything (ice-cream, salads, pies).  However, they do have a nasty habit of turning one’s mouth and teeth a dark purple colour.  If you want to look like a Fraggle, these berries are for you.

-They call me Canada = I lived in California for some time and met a few great people from the Midwest and Southern States during my tenure there.  One of my new found friends got up to calling me “Canada” on occasion, as a sort of pet name.  I was flattered.

-Canadian Humour = I am grateful for Canadian humour.  Our humour is strange, witty and a little sardonic at times.  We not only call some of our towns the strangest names (Primate, Eyebrow, Blow me Down, Come by Chance, Goobies), we take pride in making fun of our politicians, on a regular basis, much to their chagrin during election time (Rick Mercer is a case in point – Bless his soul!!!).  Oh, and we seem to make fun of American Politicians too:

[you can check out the latest Photo Challenge results for Hilary and Obama HERE!]

Phew.  My abs hurt from laughing (and a wickedly brutal Pilates workout).

Happy Canada Day from “Canada”…and to my friends living and travelling abroad…Canada Loves You!


8 responses to “I’m a Patriot

  1. Ah well – I don’t really believe in the concept of countries – and that’s not why I’m commenting – but that photograph is stunning! 🙂 Brilliantly composed.

    Sumedh. Thank you for you generous comment. I would have to say that I prefer the concept of a Global Village myself. I think we have a long way to improve human rights and government in general before that day ever comes (but why not start by breaking down the boundaries amongst writers and members of your community in general?). Hmmm… that seemed like a very Canadian comment. Eh?!


  2. Muse –

    A belated Happy Canada Day to you! Thank you for giving a shout out to us with love from your homeland; it gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling.

    I wanted to stop by and say hello; thinking of you with a smile…


    Hi Melana – I hope you have been well. I just have not had the time to visit this blog as much as I used to…and I really do miss you words (I visited your site today and was touched by your recent writing).


  3. Robert Ritchie

    What a beautiful picture of the Canadian flag — is this available as a high resolution file?

    Robert Ritchie
    Elizabethton, Tennessee, USA.

    It might be Robert. Wish I could help you out a bit more – but I did sort of “grab” it off of another site, so it might be worthwhile to check out the original link if you haven’t done so already. A big, late, Canadian High-Five to you. By the way…I love the state of Tennessee.


  4. Thanks for the post

    You are quite welcome. – Muse

  5. Happy Canada Day, a bit late. Don’t forget Leonard Cohen as someone for Canadians to be proud of too. And your wonderfully warm and open people and tolerant and honest society. I’ve always thought Canada and Australia had much in common. Hope you are having a fantabulous time, full of joy and miracles.

  6. Hello. You have been gone a long time. I hope everything’s alright. Come back soon, you are missed.

  7. Hmm, still no sign of you. Oh well, I will be patient.

    Paul. What can I say? If it wasn’t for your gentle prods, I would still be hiding out in my tortoise shell. You are a patient man and I must thank you for your visits – you really brightened my day today when I read your comments. I have been well (thanks for asking) – very busy with work and life in general. I haven’t been writing very much lately, but when I do find myself writing, it ends up in a paper journal. Maybe I will spend a little more time writing here – I do enjoy the company of writers such as yourself and hope we can stay somewhat connected (despite my tendency to opt for the “presto-chango-disappearing-act”).


  8. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyyTYwevhWVER

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